Thursday, November 12, 2009

Karen Flag

A flag can be a unifying object for a country, nation, or tribe, which is often created in an attempt to capture the characteristics and history of a people through its colors, designs, and symbols. The flag of the Karen people of Burma is no exception. Being a young Karen person, I would like to share some facts about the Karen flag and explain how the flag represents many of the cultural characteristics of the Karen people.

The Karen people are an ethnic group accounting for approximately 7 percent of total Burmese population of 57.6 million people. It is the third largest ethnic group in Burma after the Burman and Shan people. Karen State is located along Burma's eastern border with Thailand and has a population of approximately 2 million people, not all of them being Karen. More Karen people live outside of Karen State than live in Karen State. Tragically, the Karen people have been caught in a civil war between Burma's ruling military government and various Karen rebel factions for over 60 years. During that time, the current flag, which was originally created by one of the rebel groups, has nevertheless become a unifying symbol for many of the Karen people, living both inside and outside of Burma.

The different colors and shapes on the Karen flag are meant to symbolize the characteristics, the morality, and the aptitudes of the Karen People. As shown above, the flag has a rectangular shape. On the left top of the flag, there is a square-shaped box in which there is a picture of a rising sun having nine beams of light. There is also a Karen drum with frogs, and two buffalo horns in the center of the box. Outside of the box, the flag is divided into three equal, horizontal stripes. The top stripe is red, the middle stripe is white, and the bottom stripe is blue.

According to oral tradition, the rising sun symbolizes that the Karen nation will always shine to the world with brightness and success. There will be no sunset, which means that there will be no diminishing glory. Further, the nine beams of the sun symbolize the nine different areas in Burma where Karen people constitute a majority. Rebel factions claim that the Karen people are entitled to self-governance in those areas.

In the middle of the nine beams of light, there is a Karen drum, frogs, and two buffalo horns. The Karen drum is a well-known instrument used by the Karen in most of their traditional songs and dances (called the Karen Don Don Dance). It is meant to imply that the Karen are a peaceful people who strive to preserve a simple life rich with tradition. The buffalo horn instruments are meant to represent the unity of the Karen people. The horns were traditionally used in battle to warn of approaching foes or to gather warriors. The Karen people are traditionally a united, community-focused group which works together as a village. The frogs represent the prosperity enjoyed in Karen State. When frogs are heard croaking, it means that the rainy season has begun, trees will bear fruit, green grass will be available for pasturing animals, and the Karen people will begin planting.

Outside of the square box, the three horizontal stripes (red, white, and blue) complete the design of the flag. The top red stripe symbolizes the courage shared by all the Karen people. The elders would say "We Are Karen Red Blood," which means the Karen people are not afraid to shed their blood for liberty. The middle white stripe represents purity, simplicity, and kindness, which are attributes stressed in all Karen communities, both Buddhist and Christian. The bottom blue stripe represents loyalty and honesty. Above all else, the Karen are fervently loyal to their families, their friends, and other Karen people.

In conclusion, the Karen people are a simple, unassuming, and peace loving people, who are taught from the earliest age to uphold the characteristics represented by the Karen flag. It is hoped by all that the Karen flag will someday fly over a land free from war and savagery and that it will serve to unify all of the Karen people.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for sharing i love being karen and i hate hw the "karen" memes are taking over our name.

    2. Dear Day Mu,
      Please research the history of Karen flag from drum publication. The flag had made about 12 years before the Karen revolution started.
      May be, "Google" also took refrence from you and doing the same mistak.
      Please correct it.

  2. Y in my whole life have I not heard about the Karen state n only the suffrage of my people who had to suffer

    1. G-d Bless YOU! Your peoples' time to be free again is coming soon! <3

  3. I will never forgot My karen tradition costumes
    thanks for give information about that. LOVE YOU my karen people god bless all my karen people.

  4. i will never forgot My karen tradition costumes state.
    lovely my karen people all may god bless all my karen people..just one day we be together all my karen people.

  5. I am proud to be KAREN! Thank You for the stories, moung ywa sow gay na thu.

  6. Finally I proud to you my Flag

  7. Love this. I'm proud to be Karen.good bless my Karen people. I hope we can be in our kawthoolei together again.

  8. I'm proud to be Karen, Karen is the best country of my life when I was born. I never forget my life in the Karen State i always loved the Karen friends, I also born in Burma but I am from Karen! WE ARE KAREN BLOOD!

  9. I am Karen girl,i won't forget about my life. Love you all my Karen people. God bless you all

  10. I will never forget my country and my people. I will never forget who I am. God Bless you... all the Karen People in the world.

  11. I will never forget my country and my people. I will never forget who I am. God Bless you... all the Karen People in the world.

  12. To the owner don't mind if i use your article?

  13. Hello,
    My name is Karen Ben-Moyal. I am the daughter of an Israeli Jewish Father and my American mother birthed me on December 18, 1992…..
    I too, believe in expressing patriotism, liberty, equal opportunity, and justice for all. In fact, I will be graduating with a Bachelors Degree of Science in Political Science from the University of Houston (Texas) this coming December. With this degree, I plan to go into government--specifically foreign policy. Long story short, I would very much like to help the people of Karen achieve peace, as one of my first initiatives as either an elected senator or a foreign analyst. I plan to pursue the most efficient choice for the time I have left to reconstruct a democratic governing system, indestructible against military takeover and foreign invasion, yet you all shall hold a significant place in the global enterprise of the world. My hope is to restore justice for your people by implementing policies and strategies to begin the process of domestic peace, which will inevitably lead to a nation strong enough to trade and conduct foreign business throughout the world, the contributions within the state and throughout the world are sure to be unmatched in a government run by the people, of the people, and for the people.
    I only wish I could come to you sooner, which was my original reasoning for posting this here. I just wanted to reach out in some way, for my G-d and G-d of my ancestors came forth to me a few months ago, and spoke to me, informing me of your peoples' situation. Please keep in mind: the Lord hears your cries and the cries of the Karen refuggees and enslaved peoples. G-d has clearly signified to me that it is my duty (part of a higher purpose) to help the Karen people achieve, once again, success and peace within the Karen State-- a state once so glorious and so free will soon shine brightly and wave their beautiful flag, in unity and freedom-- for it be the Will of our Maker…..

    1. Continued:

      In addition, The Karen flag is a perfect representation for such a pure-hearted people, to share their sense of pride in their community and gaze at the rays illuminating their very existence. The red, white, and blue backgroud make it perfect. I just wanted to let you know that an initiate of the flame is heading your way soon, I will do everything in my power to protect and free your tired nation. Civil wars are not meant to be had in such a land founded upon the values of unity and grace. You ought to be celebrating the miracle of your people, the significance of your unique culture and values, and the independence you once felt in 1948. Just as the people of Israel were reborn anew back into their homeland of Zion in 1948, the Karen people were experiencing similar emotions and hopefulness that only the redeemers of such a gift can share. Both the Israelis and the people of Karen had a land of their own, a land of safety, joy, hope-- both from within and from outside its borders. It breaks my heart and saddens me to my core, to think of how many years this beautiful people have suffered, and how I am so far away until January. Every minute that goes by I feel as if I am there with you, feeling your pain and praying for a miracle. Further, my purpose involves aiming to ultimately achieve victory for you all, once again, and ensuring the survival of the freed Karen State for many, many generations to come. While I strive to create plans for peace in the middle east regarding the Israeli-Arab conflict, my heart will simultaneously beat to the Karen drum. I will be there as soon as I can. Never lose hope. Ever. Hope is something that no individual, nor country, can ever live without. Like I said, I am eager to help, let me know if there is more I can do in the meantime.
      P.S. IF you would like to see or browse more of my philosophy and get a better picture of who I am, please feel free to visit my own blog --
      1. personal (WordPress) blog link:
      2. (e):
      3. (c): (713)-339-0323
      ….For now, take good care, and feel free to contact me through any of the information I have posted above. Again, peace and prosperity will one day endure for good in the nation of Karen. Stay strong and keep your faith.
      Love and Sincerest Wishes,
      Karen Ben-Moyal

    2. Hey, I just would like to see if you could provide me some information about how karen new year has begun. my number is 616-570-2878.


  14. where are the 9 regions in Burma? I'm doing presentation about Karen people and I want to show them the 9 regions where Karen live.

  15. ပတသးပ့နီၣ်ပပှၤကလုာ်ဘၣ်,ပတသးပ့ၤနီၤပလုၢ်လၢ်ထူသနူတၢ်ဆဲးတၢ်လၤဘၣ်,ပတသးပ့ၤနီၣ်ပတၢ်စံၣ်စိၤဘၣ်,ပမ့အိၣ်လီၤမုၢ်ပြံပြါဒီးအိၣ်ယံၤလိာ်သးဘၣ်ဆၣ်ပကမ့ပှၤတကလုာ်လၢအမ့ၢ်ဘၢလၢၢ်မံဒ်နွဲၣ်အသိးပကဘၣ်အဲၣ်ပပှၤကလုာ်
